A pile of broken rock (again)
11JAN: Yet another pile of broken rock.
Paul, entering the new extension
11JAN: Paul entering the new extension
Tony in the elliptical squeeze
11JAN: Tony in the elliptical squeeze
(Photo (c) Paul Brock)
Paul in the downstream tube
19JAN: Paul round the bend in the downstream tube
Tangent, deep in thought
23FEB: Tangent, deep in thought
Paul checking to see if the time lapse cam was working
16MAR: Paul, checking the cam.
Aprés dig feasting
12APR: Aprés dig feasting.
LR: Nick, Caroline, Paul, Rupert, Tangent, Jeff, Sam, Chris, Alice
The digging face
27APR: The digging face
Sleeping Beauty
29JUN: "Sleeping Beauty"
Simon, Alice, Caroline, Paul, Chris (& Sams' leg)
Paul  in Annieversary
Paul in Annieversary
Chris working on the Great Wall
23JUL: Chris working on the wall
One cheesy chip and six cheesy grins
03AUG: One cheesy chip and six cheesy grins
Photo (c) Duncan Simey
Alice in Soggy Bottom
24AUG: Alice hitching on a bag in Soggy Bottom
Massed diggers
07SEP: Thomas     Rupert
Rosie, Alice, Chris, Sam
Tony, Paula, Bella, Anja
Paula's Corner ... before
21SEP: Paula's Corner ... before
Paula's Corner ... after
Paula's Corner ... after
Beyond Paula's Corner
Beyond Paula's Corner
... before

The approach to Paula's Corner ...

Beyond Paula's Corner
... after

Sam, loading bags
at the bottom of Annieversary

Created: Fri Mar 7 2014